Study lead for PRIMUS 004
University of Glasgow
Nigel Jamieson
Senior Clinical Lecturer
Nigel Jamieson is a Clinical Senior Lecturer within the Institute of Cancer Sciences and an Honorary HPB surgeon at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. He completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of Glasgow when his interest in pancreatic cancer research began. He subsequently undertook a PhD funded by the Chief Scientist Office investigating gene expression signatures in pancreatic adenocarcinoma at the Beatson Institute. After completing his surgical training including observership periods at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York he undertook an international fellowship year of pancreas and liver surgery in Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia where he gained significant experience in post-neoadjuvant therapy pancreatic resections. Grants from the Academy of Sciences and Pancreatic Cancer UK maintained his research output during his surgical training. He was recently awarded a Clinician Scientist Fellowship by Cancer Research UK and upon returning to Glasgow was awarded a Lord Kelvin and Adam Smith Leadership Fellowship from the University of Glasgow.
He has contributed to over 70 peer reviewed publications and with an active role in the development and management of the Precision-Panc platform, his primary research interest now focusses upon the interaction between the genomic landscape, the immune microenvironment and chemotherapy in patients with pancreatic cancer. Specifically, he will look to develop combination therapeutic strategies that target Immune evasion in pancreatic cancer.